Modular Car Door Unlock Kit | 18-Pc

on all orders over $150*
on all orders over $150*
This 18-piece kit includes an assortment of handles, rods, and tips to give you the power to create the exact tool you need to get the job done. Combine the handles and rods in any configuration you desire, to achieve the lengths you require. Create a reach tool that’s 47”, 54”, 59”, or up to a whopping 64” in length!
Need a 47” reach tool with a flashlight tip? How about a 59” rod to fish keys out of the back seat with a hook for easy grabbing? Need to pop the hood on a BMW because the antitheft won’t let you unlock the door? 64” should do the trick! No matter your car door unlocking needs, the Ultimate 16-in-1 Modular Car Door Unlocking Kit by Magnus Tools has you covered!
Simply choose the combination of connectors that best suits the vehicle and opening method you will perform. Easily attach the desired tip for the task at hand—you’re now ready for any year, make, or model that comes your way!
Package Includes:
* Measurement does not include 2” handle length