Pro-Lok Blue Punch Machine for Best A-2 System

on all orders over $150*
on all orders over $150*
* When not in stock, ships in approximately 6-8 business weeks.
The IC Core A2 Blue Punch Key Machine. Provided by the well-known vender Pro-Lok. It is a dedicated punch machine designed to cut “factory original” keys by code. Spacing and depth are set automatically, making it a punch key machine easy to use for inexperienced locksmiths that want professional and accurate machines for their business.
Amongst the keys that can be cut with the IC Core A2 Blue Punch Key Machine we can mention: Best, Falcon & Arrow small format I/C key sections A-R,TA-TE, W and Arrow 1A-4D. And with the purchase of an additional codebar, A3 and A4 can also be cut. Even though Arrow Flexcore, Kaba Peaks and Inst-Key keys cannot be cut with this machine, locksmiths can definitely appreciate why this punch key machine is really a must-have for their business.
At CLK Supplies, LLC we know that key professionals are usually avid to learn everything they can about tools that help them make their business more efficient. This is why our dedicated customer team are available to answer to any question or clarify any doubt you may have about this product. Don’t think it twice and get in touch with us!
Interested in adding the IC Core A2 Blue Punch Key Machine to your business Remember that we offer free shipping on orders over $150 in the US.