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Locksmithing Tip: Get CASH for BRASS Keys and Shavings

If you cut keys, there are two unavoidable things you're always going to have to deal with. The first is going to be miscut keys. We all do it from time to time, even though none of us want to admit it, and the other thing is the brass key shavings. They're all over our workbench, our machine, and sometimes our floor. So here's a solution about how we can recycle these brass key shavings and miscut brass keys and turn them into cash.

Before we go and take these to a recycling place and see how much money they'll give them. Let's first talk about how we can maximize the amount they'll provide us with by separating the brass key shavings from the miscut keys. So they're going to pay a lot more for the miscut keys than they are for the brass key shavings. And if you mix them, you're not going to get the total price on the miscut keys, so it's essential to keep them separated.

 Get paid to recycle your brass

On the actual miscut keys, it's important not to put in or to take off the plastic heads on keys because it's not worth the time to mess with them, probably throw them away. But when you bring it there, and they see some plastic-headed keys, they're going not to want to pay you as much. They also don't want aluminum keys and steel keys; they wish to have brass keys only. Few different places seem okay with having nickel-silver keys which is great because the best keys, for the most part, are nickel silver.

 Key blanks

For the brass key shavings, they want it just brass only. Some said it's okay if there was some nickel silver in here, but you want to make sure that you're just making sure that they are the brass ones when you're putting them in a bucket.

 Brass key shavings

But the biggest problem is in a real-life scenario is you're going to have your brass bucket. You're going to have a key bucket next to it, but people will be throwing both into both. Habits that will lower the amount and kind of make you feel like it might not be worth doing. Then this cool little bucket is for you. It's two square buckets. The top bucket is a little tiny, with a bunch of holes in the bottom. That way, the brass shavings will directly be at the bottom bucket.

 separating brass shavings and keys

Since you're cutting keys all day, the inexpensive thing to address a clean workspace from brass shavings is to install a rain gutter on the backside of the workbench. That way, you can use a little brush to sweep them down into it with a five-gallon waiting at its end. Not only will that help keep the workspace clean and allow you to recycle the most amount of key shavings.

 locksmith tools

My half of a five-gallon bucket with brass key shavings ended up having 14 pounds and the miscut keys were 33 pounds. From the miscut keys and the brass key shavings, I was given $46. So I would recommend saving up a little more and turning your mistakes and key shavings into extra money. I appreciate you guys. Hopefully, it was helpful, and we will see you next time.


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