When shopping for tools to begin a locksmith shop or mobile service, it can be hard to decide not only which tools to buy, but which kind of tools to buy. Even established locksmiths can gain substantial income by updating their arsenal of tools. The market is full of product offerings, many of which do the same functions. Prices vary depending on the brand and type of locksmith tool, but which one is best for the cost? Are some locksmith tools worth paying more for? Can you cut corners in certain areas? We look to overview some helpful, commonly overlooked locksmith tools.
To begin, we can look at followers. Such a basic tool, used for holding the top pins in place while the cylinder is being rekeyed, can be overlooked. However, there are a few options for this locksmith tool worth discussing. One such option is the master pin follower. By using this tool, you are able to drop all of the existing master pins using the lower section of the tool, without all of the top pins or springs being removed.
Locksmith pin tweezers are an item that is needed in any toolbox to replace top pinsand springs. They do a great job, utilizing a round cut out in the end to grab on to pinsand springs. Some tweezers also assist with pushing the pins into the chamber. Another great tool box item is the Kwikset removal tool. This tool is used for removing the cylinder from Kwikset style knob locks. A great upgrade of this product is theKwikset, Schlage Clip removal tool. This tool is not only able to remove Kwikset cylinders, but also offers the ability to remove the troublesome “C” and “E” clips on many brands lock cylinders. It even has a special-made detent pusher!
Another item every locksmith uses is key extractors. The traditional extractors offer great assistance in removing broken keys. Other items useful for key extraction are thetweezers and key pliers. The pliers are narrow enough to reach into tight keyways and latch onto a stuck key. The pliers can often speed up the last steps of the removal process.
Locksmithing is a very expansive industry. Having the right locksmith tools and supplies to get the job done quickly and efficiently is always a great topic to review in your own business. Many other specialty tools are available to help you offer the quality service your customers expect.