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Aero IC

Aero IC

AeroLock’s newest software!

Interchangeable core locks offer many benefits that both end users and locksmiths can appreciate. They can easily be exchanged when a tenant leaves and offer great security benefits. The trouble with these locks often occurs during keying. With complex keying systems, generating or re-generating a key when all the other keys have been lost can be a complex and time consuming task. Aero Lock has just introduced an ICcore keying program to act as a perfect locksmith tool to be simple and easy to use, but offer some great features.

Upon opening AeroIC , the user will quickly notice some of the similar and easy to use format of Aero Locks’s previous software program, AeroKey. All of the essential features of an Interchangeable core program are available, such as choosing between systems, step value, deepest first cut, usable depths, and MACS. At the bottom the user is able to auto generate their master and control key bitting or enter their own. There is also a place to add sub-master keys and decide how many change keys they would like. The results of this can then be attained with the push of a button.

The results page also offers the same great features of AeroKey, with pin count at the top of the page informing the user how many of each size pin they should expect to use for this job.  There is a very neat and organized chart of key number, change key bitting, and the key chart for each cylinder. There are other options available for printing, saving, and font style.

New Features!

The pinning calculator on AeroIC allows the user to choose the system type and then plug in your existing master, control, and change key bitting; then generate the pinning system. Another great feature when using the software is the ability to plug in the driver pins and generate the control key bitting. Often on worksites, the technician has to remove several cores when all of the keys are lost to rekey the locks or generate a new key when they are all lost. This feature allows the tech to take one lock apart, plug in the driver pins, and create the bitting for the control key. At this point, all of the other existing locks can be removed without picking or drilling.

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