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More Than The Essential Locksmith Tool Kit

More Than the Essential Locksmith Tool Kit

Although it is always good to cover the base locksmith tools, the ones technicians absolutely need, every once and a while it is interesting to cover tools that are simply nice to have. Locksmith tools that make the job fun and simpler, albeit not necessary to the job. In the end, many tools are simply that. Could we take a clothes hanger and gain access to several cars on the road? The simple answer is yes. Some tools in the locksmith industry are just ways to add enjoyment to the life of a technician.

Locksmith Hammer Tool

locksmith hammer tool, locksmith tools,

One of these specialty items is theLocksmith Hammer Tool. The Hammer Tool comes with six interchangeable heads that can be used to get into the smallest of places when working on residential, commercial, or automotive locks. Locksmiths know that automotive work areas can be very small. Some automotive steering columns and dashboards can have incredibly small work space to servicing ignitions. Many locksmiths will find driving roll pins or similar work in small places a breeze with this hammer. Beyond a metal tip, the locksmith hammer tool comes with six screw-on tips include brass flat, steel ball, steel dome, steel flat, and poly flat. These make it possible to accommodate varying metals and surface types.

Followers of All Shapes and Sizes

Another great kit to have in any locksmith tool belt are varying sizes of followers. Not all locks are the same size or have the same plug design. Having one follower of standard size can keep a technician from grabbing for the nearest pen or Sharpie. LAB makes a kit with 5 followers of varying shapes and sizes. These help while disassembling varying residential, high security, Master/American, and automotive locks; each of which vary in shape and design. LAB’s 5 piece follower kit may not be essential, but it sure speeds things up and keeps a technician from dropping a top pin and spring!

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