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Lock Technology : 3 Ways To Beat Your Competition

Lock Technology : 3 Ways To Beat Your Competition

Each year, lock technology rapidly progresses. Lockmsiths can sometimes feel overwhelmed and want to give up keeping up with the changing times. Many technicians would prefer the old locks that didn’t utilize any transponder, key fob, or other security technology. For vehicles, homes, and businesses, technology is here to stay. There are so many added benefits and conveniences for consumers, lock technology is the way of the future. So why keep up? Why spend the extra money to invest in locksmith tools that are capable of programming fobs, transponders, and more? Which options are worth while and which are worth waiting for?

1. Purchase AutoData Reference Material

2014 Autodata key and programming guide

There are some locksmith tools that cost hundreds and thousands of dollars in order to program a single vehicle. However, some things can be programmed for free using on-board programming methods if a locksmith knows how to do it. Especially for customers coming in looking for remotes and key fobs duplicated, the AutoData reference material is the cheapest investment for a great return. Beyond these things, locksmiths can offer perks to customers such as warning light resets and battery replacement methods. The manual costs less than $100 dollars and will surely allow for much more profit.

2. Use And Download Free Manuals For Lock Technology

You may not be the locksmith that installed the button or thumb-reader technology, but you may be the one that is called out at any time of day to service it. Many customers don’t keep the manuals for lock hardware when a code is not working or when an employee quits. This leaves a locksmith to do the work of reprogramming lock hardware. Many manufacturer websites actually contain free and downloadable pdf’s on their products. It simply takes a moment to find these documents. Storing the documents on a file folder on a laptop and having them available for all the technicians in a company can broaden the field of work available to your company. The best part of this is that no tools need to be purchased. There are a few free applications that can share documents across smartphones, tablets, and computers where a single folder can be added to, and all the employees in a company can have access. Look into applications like Dropbox and Evernote.

3. Purchase A Universal Vehicle Programming Tool

Advanced Diagnostics T-Code

Although this may be the biggest purchase necessary for keeping up with lock technology, it is certainly worth while. A universal programming tool, like theAdvanced Diagnostics T-Code Pro, MVP Pro, or Ilco TKO are able to program a number of different vehicles. Transponders, remotes, and more can be operated on using these locksmith tools. Be sure to reference our otherlocksmith buying guides on these products to be sure you find the one that best suites your business and your budget.


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